2.91 - Looks & Feels

May 7, 2024
Written by Katherine Schraeder
Updated 2 months ago

🚀 New Features

Forecast Detail UI

  • New month box hover styles
  • Added blue expand/collapse arrows
  • Added a double line under section summary
  • Added blue section settings and cash start edit icons with better “hoverability”
  • Added vertical ellipses on account and items on hover
  • New add item icon

New Item

  • Item modal gets a fresh look

Scenario Actions

  • Remove labels, new icons
  • Added tooltips on hover

List View

  • List view icons upgrades on expected date and customer contact
  • Upgraded calendar icon in the list view filter modal

Forecast Menu

  • Forecast settings menu upgraded
  • Added quick actions next to forecast name, notes
  • Merged forecast settings and actions

Scenario Menu

  • Scenario settings menu upgraded
  • Added quick actions next to scenario name, notes
  • Easier access to hide/show scenario
  • Added currency format
  • Merged scenario settings and actions

Dashboard Menu

  • Upgrade dashboard menu UI

Add Custom Accounts

  • Ability to add custom accounts

⚠️ Changed Functionality

  • Fixed cash start modal not showing bank account balances

🔧 Fixed

  • Expected date being removed for manual items after saving
  • Added clear button on quick date picker when expected date added
  • Fixed orange icon indicator showing after adding expected date to repeating items
  • Show more accounts not working properly
  • Fixed “value cannot be null” error when sorting dimensions
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