🚀 New Features
Account Forecasting in Weekly View
- New account modal that allows forecasting on the item level
- Ability to add and edit forecast items from account modal
- Allow auto forecasting on the account level, overriding the section level auto forecast option for greater flexibility, plus ability to save via instances (like forecast items)
- Change auto forecast for account, as well as turn off for a single account
- Last 12 months trend for account
Scenario Settings & UI
- Cash End Baseline setting which highlights when cash end falls below amount
- Improve look of edit options in dialog menus (Forecast, Scenario, Account)
- Improve look of save and cancel buttons in edit menus (add cancel button)
Performance Optimizations
- Improve serialization of entities to improve browser rendering, resulting in significant performance increase for high volume scenarios
- Read entities in backend rather than parsing large entities on client side
- Remove line items from read
⚠️ Changed Functionality
- Remove last 12 months from account tooltip
- Remove all tabs from item modal that are not used anymore (lines, payments)
- Weekly view uses monthly reports and splits proportionally for QBO and Xero to improve read performance and processing time
- Hardcode open items into generic AR/AP accounts to solve line item total discrepancies with taxes (all bills will automatically move to cash out)
- Remove graph month hover (causing memory leaks)
🔧 Fixed
- Delete item not working with instance options (this instance only, etc.)
- Open item total and section total discrepancies (taxes on line items fix)
- Editing account from Account Mapping screen removes the nominal code and drops the account to the bottom of the list
- Removed ability to edit Account Name and Nominal Code for imported accounts
- Connecting to Xero company error when company is of a newer class type - upgraded api to handle new types
- Syncing QBO payments failed due to a breaking change in the api
- Account totals from Cash Flow Statement in QBO being flipped
- Replace broken intercom link in support menu
- List view minor issues